New MSNs have axosomatic and axodendritic contacts to pallidal-like projection neurons in Area X. (A) Pallidal-like projection neurons in Area X were labeled via retrograde tracing. BDA was injected into thalamic nucleus DLM, the target of pallidal-like projection neurons in Area X. (B) Additionally, progenitors were labeled in the VZ via lentivirally mediated GFP expression. The area outlined is depicted in C. (C) Newborn MSNs (GFP+) and pallidal-like neurons were both present in sections of Area X. (D) The axon of a newborn MSN passed the soma of a pallidal-like projection neuron (BDA). The pallidal-like neuron in the dashed box is magnified in E,F. (E,F) Axosomatic contacts (arrows) of new MSN on pallidal-like neuron somata. (G) The axon a newborn MSN wrapped around dendrites of a pallidal-like neuron. The area in the dashed box is magnified in H. (H–J) Axodendritic contacts (arrows) of newborn MSN onto pallidal-like neurons. Dashed lines (E,F,H–J) indicate the planes used to generate orthogonal views of the Z-stack (YZ, XZ). Scale bars: 5 μm (H,I), 10 μm (E,F,J), 25 μm (G), 50 μm (C,D).