Characterization of the normal sortilin expression pattern in the human cerebral neocortex and hippocampal formation with tissue from a mid-age case. Panel (A) is a montaged low magnification image illustrating the expression of sortilin labeled with the rabbit antibody across the superior, middle and inferior temporal gyri (STG, MTG, ITG), subiculum (Sub), hippocampal Ammon’s horn (CA1–3) and DG. The labeling occurs in the gray matter but barely in the white matter (WM). The molecular layer (ML) of the DG shows strong neuropil reactivity. Panels (B,D) show higher power views of the labeling in the neocortex, with large and middle-sized pyramidal and polymorphic neurons exhibiting strong immunoreactivity. Panels (C,E) show heavy labeling in CA1 pyramidal neurons specifically in the somata and dendrites, with the stratum radiatum (s.r.) also exhibiting strong reactivity in fine dendritic processes and neuropil. Panels (F,G) are higher magnification images of the DG; the somata and proximal dendrites of the granule cells are intensively stained. The somata and dendrites of hilar mossy cells are distinctly labeled, with the thorny excrescences (TE, arrows) well-displayed. Axons of the cortical and CA1 pyramidal neurons are not visible (D,E), with no labeling seen in the mossy fiber terminal field (A,F). Panel (H) shows that the goat antibody exhibits essentially the same neuronal labeling pattern in the hippocampal formation and temporal neocortex as with the rabbit antibody (A), with enlarged views specifically illustrating the visualization of the TE on the dendrites of the CA3 pyramidal neurons (I,J). Additional abbreviations: IV-VI, cortical layers. Scale bar = 1 mm in (A), equivalent to 2 mm for (H), 200 μm for (B), 100 μm for (C,I), 50 μm for (D,F,J) and 25 μm for (E,G).