Ectopic expression of TFL1 in LFY-VP16 lines. A, pTFL1:GUS activity in a wild-type inflorescence. Staining was restricted to the shoot apical meristem. B to D, pTFL1:GUS activity in pLFY:LFY-VP16 inflorescences. B, Staining was observed in the center of the shoot apical meristem as well as in flowers. C and D, Staining at the base of the gynoecium (C) and along pedicels (D) in cleared flowers. Arrows point to ectopic pTFL1:GUS activity in flowers. E and F, Ectopic activation of pTFL1:GUS in plants expressing LFY-VP16 from a heat shock promoter. E, Seedlings grown at ambient temperature with pTFL1:GUS activity in the shoot apical meristem. F, Heat-shocked seedling with additional staining in cotyledons, leaves, and roots. Asterisks in panels A, B, E, and F mark the position of the shoot apical meristem.