Figure 2.
Alignment of the conserved DXDD motif and the positive selection site (Ser-362/Trp-364) of CPS from I. rubescens and other characterized CPSs. The DXDD motif is labeled above the alignment with a solid line, and the conserved Ser or Trp position is marked with an asterisk. The second Asp of the DXDD motif is substituted by Asn in IrCPS3. The enzymes are separated by the horizontal line according to normal-CPP/LDPP or ent-CPP stereochemistry. The CPS in the upper section (including IrCPS1 and IrCPS2 from this study) were characterized as being involved in normal-CPP/LDPP formation while those in the lower section (including IrCPS4 and IrCPS5 from this study) were characterized to be involved in ent-CPP production. CfTPS1 and CfTPS2 are from C. forskohlii, SmCPS1, SmCPS2, SmCPS5 from S. miltiorrhiza, MvCPS3 from M. vulgare, SsLPS from S. sclarea, and AtCPS from Arabidopsis.