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. 2005 Jan 13;4:2. doi: 10.1186/1475-2891-4-2

Table 5.

Student Responses (%) on folic acid questions

Students discrim coeff
12. Megaloblastic anemia: deficiencies of
Vitamin B-12 39 -0.11
Folic Acid 31 0.17
Neither 6 0.09
Either 19 -0.09

13. Folic acid: relieve deficiencies of
Vitamin B-12 7 -0.1
Folic Acid 49 0.12
Both 38 -0.07
Neither 3

14. Vitamin B-12 deficiency commonly seen in
children due to poor nutrition. 32 -0.11
children due to poor absorption. 23 -0.04
the elderly due to poor nutrition. 9 0.1
the elderly due to poor absorption. 25 0.1