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. 2017 Jun 7;96(6):1307–1317. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.16-0785

Table 3.

Baseline cost data for the evaluation of the HARSP, in the communes of Pétionville, Carrefour, and Croix-des-Bouquets, West Department, Haiti, 2014–2015

Item Units Unit value Sources
 Basic vaccine dose (including administration)* $/dose 14.45
 Material costs (needles, swabs, etc.) $/dose 0.12 Knobel and others12
 Overhead costs per visit $/visit 0.61 Knobel and others12
 Tissue-culture vaccine $/dose 12.20 Knobel and others12
 Cold-chain $/dose 0.05 Acharya and others22
 Cost per outpatient visit $/outpatient 1.47 WHO-Choice23
 Injections/doses per patient N 5 Poxvirus and Rabies Branch
 Vaccine doses per visit N/visit 1 Recommendations
 RIG $ 134.15 Knobel and others12
 PEP treatment paid for by the government (%) (0, 50, 100) Range used for estimates
 Vehicle (motorcycle) (annual) $/vehicle 1,000 HARSP data
 Maintenance (annual) $/vehicle 100 HARSP data
 Animal capture equipment $/worker 800 HARSP data
 Communications (mobile, radios, etc.) $/worker 200 Estimated
 Rabies prevention supplies (annual) $/worker 500 HARSP data
 Office rental§ $/year 4,000 Estimated
 Utilities, supplies, etc. $/year 1,200 HARSP data
 Personnel (annual) $/worker 3,300 HARSP data
 Equipment $/year 4,195 HARSP data
 Equipment maintenance $/year 500 Estimated
 Rabies reagents $/year 1,200 HARSP data
 Supplies $/year 5,000 HARSP data
 Personnel (annual) $/worker 6,006 HARSP data
 Teacher (year) $/training 1,487 HARSP data
 Implementation (supplies, participants, etc.) $/training 301 HARSP data

HARSP = Haiti Animal Rabies Surveillance Program; PEP = postexposure prophylaxis; RIG = rabies immunoglobulin; WHO = World Health Organization. Additional cost data and details on calculations are shown in the Supplemental File 2, Appendix A.


Millien and others19 reported a stock of more than 15,000 does of human vaccine for PEP in stock (November 2014), from 20,000 Vero cell rabies vaccines for intramuscular administration donated by Brazil in 2013. Those authors also reported an annual use rate of about 8,000 human vaccine doses.

WHO-Choice23 estimates: for a public facility. We used the average estimated costs for an outpatient visit of 1.47 (health center = $1.21, health center with beds = $1.50, primary-level hospital = $1.71, and secondary-level hospital = $1.78) and adjusted the cost to 2014 US$.

The overhead and material costs from RIG were included in the basic PEP treatment of category III exposures.


If owned, we estimated the cost per square meter for an office in the same area. Office rental and utilities costs were considered separately for laboratories and rabies surveillance. If the office space was shared, we adjusted the value by multiplying it by the share of time dedicated to rabies.

These costs represent the costs of training prorated in 5 years. See Supplemental File 2, Appendix A, for details.