Table 3.
Characterization of studies with humans that compared the lactate minimum intensity (LMI) with the maximal lactate steady state intensity (iMLSS).
Study authors/country | Study population (n°/training level/ gender) | Study aim§ | Exercise type | Study results–LMI vs. iMLSS | Study conclusion |
Jones and Doust, 1998/United Kingdom. | 13/well-trained/male. | To investigate the LMI validity to estimate the iMLSS. | Running | LMI – 14.9 ± 0.2 km.h−1 iMLSS – 15.7 ± 0.3 km.h−1 P < 0.05#; SMD-3.200. | Since differences were found between the two intensities, it was concluded that further experimental investigations are required before conclude the LMI estimates the iMLSS. |
MacIntosh et al., 2002/Canada. | 14/athletes–cyclists or triathletes/11 males–3 females. | To investigate the validity of the LMI as predictor of iMLSS. | Cycling | LMI – 33.6 ± 3.5 km.h−1 iMLSS – 33.5 ± 3.1 km.h−1 P = 0.900; SMD-0.030. | The LMI is a valid predictor of the iMLSS. |
Johnson et al., 2009/United Kingdom. | 32/active/male. | To evaluate the agreement between a LMI from a modified LMT with the iMLSS. | Cycling | LMI – 205.0 ± 22.0 W iMLSS – 208.0 ± 25.0 W P ≤ 0.05#; SMD-0.128. | There was good agreement between the LMI from a modified LMT with the iMLSS. |
Knoepfli-Lenzin and Boutellier, 2011/Switzerland. | 63/moderately to highly trained/male. | To investigate whether LMI is valid to estimate the iMLSS in subjects with different levels of fitness. | Cycling | LMI – 245.0 ± 29.0 W iMLSS – 255.0 ± 32.0 W P < 0.01#; SMD-0.328. | Despite the significant difference between the two intensities, it was concluded the LMI is valid to estimate the iMLSS, since the difference was small and high and significant relationship was found (r = 0.866; P < 0.01#). |
Dotan et al., 2011/Canada–Israel. | 16/trained runners/male. | To compare the LMI with iMLSS and re-evaluate the LMT dismissal. | Running | LMI was analyzed by visual inspection (LMIm) from two reviewers (mean) and 2° polynomial fit (LMIp); LMIm – 13.2 ± 1.0 km.h−1 LMIp – 13.0 ± 1.0 km.h−1 iMLSS – 13.5 ± 0.9 km.h−1 P = LMIm vs. iMLSS – 0.010; LMIp vs. iMLSS = 0.001; SMD-0.441. | The LMI underestimates the iMLSS; however, the nature of this difference is still unclear and further efforts are required. |
Only studies that properly applied the maximal lactate steady protocol were included. Investigations that solely investigated whether the LMI correspond to iMLSS are discussed in the text. Note that the country was considered as the institution that authors participated in the publication year; SMD-standardized mean difference; LMI-lactate minimum intensity; iMLSS-maximal lactate steady state intensity;
specific P-value was not provided.
studies may have instigated additional factors besides comparison between LMI and iMLSS.