Figure 5.
Sensitivity analysis of electric conductivity of GTV and necrotic core. When the electric conductivity of the necrotic core was held constant, the mean electric field strength within the necrotic core rose 600% from 5 to 30 V/m when the conductivity of the GTV decreased from 100 to 1 S/m, but further increase was markedly attenuated when the conductivity was lowered from 1 to 0.001 S/m (A). The mean SAR increased from 0 to 1.8 W/kg when the conductivity of the GTV was decreased from 100 to 1 S/m, but further increase was negligible when the conductivity was lowered from 1 to 0.001 S/m (C). When the electric conductivity of the GTV was held constant and the electric conductivity of the necrotic core was varied from 100 to 1 S/m, there was negligible change in the mean electric field strength in the GTV; but there was up to a 10% increase in mean electric field strength of the GTV when the electric conductivity of the necrotic core was lowered from 1 to 0.001 S/m (B). However, the change in mean SAR of the GTV was insignificant when the necrotic core conductivity was varied from 100 to 0.001 S/m (D). GTV, gross tumor volume; V/m, volt per meter; S/m, Siemens per meter; W/kg, watt per kilogram; SAR, specific absorption rate.