Table 1.
Rank | Ontology | No. annotations | Terms annotated | Score |
1 | NCIT | 21 | melanoma, malignant tumor, melanocytes, found, skin, bowel, eye | 55.2 |
2 | EHDA | 15 | skin, eye | 38.3 |
3 | EFO | 10 | melanoma, malignant tumor, skin, bowel, eye | 35.9 |
4 | LOINC | 18 | melanoma, malignant, tumor, skin, bowel, eye | 35.9 |
5 | MP | 9 | melanoma, skin, bowel, eye | 34.8 |
*See "List of abbreviations"
For each ontology, the table shows its position in the ranking, the acronym of the ontology in BioPortal*, the number of annotations returned by the NCBO Annotator for the sample input, the terms annotated (or ‘covered’) by those annotations and the ontology score