Figure 4.
Curcumin influences membrane integrity after irradiation with UVA or VIS. Cell integrity was monitored by assaying LDH activity in supernatants 24h after treating HN cells with curcumin and successive UVA (A) or VIS (B) irradiation. Neither the applied curcumin concentrations (white bars) nor one of the light entities alone influenced the membrane integrity of HN cells. Co-stimulation with curcumin and either of the light sources increased the LDH activity (striped bars, black bars). The positive controls 1% Triton-X100 (bricked bars) caused maximal LDH activity. The data displayed are representative of three experiments performed with comparable results. Average absorbance values (mean ± SD) from sextuplicate replicates per experimental condition were calculated. * p ≤ 0.05; *** p≤0.001 versus the un-irradiated control; ### p≤0.001 versus any sample.