Fig. 1.
Kaplan–Meier analysis of 303 UCLA/Kaiser patients evaluating the survival benefit of hTERT promoter mutation. (A) and (B) show OS and PFS, respectively, for patients with hTERT C228T variant (hTERT C228T, median OS=18.2 mo and PFS=10.0 mo), patients with hTERT C250T variant (hTERT C250T, median OS=20.9 mo and PFS=7.79 mo), and patients with hTERT wild-type (hTERT WT, median OS and PFS = 17.8 mo and 8.45 mo). Log-rank P values comparing median OS and PFS between hTERT C228T versus C250T were 0.7910 and 0.0306, respectively. (C) and (D) show OS, in months, and PFS, in months, respectively, for patients carrying hTERT promoter mutation (hTERT.MUT) and patients with hTERT wild-type (hTERT.WT).