The three docked-pose clusters predicted by docking tropisetron into a homology model of the 5-HT3 receptor that was based on the template 2WNC (Model-1). Representative orientations of tropisetron are shown for each of the clusters A, B and C (for an overlay of all docked poses see Fig. 2A). In panel 5D, tropisetron (Cluster-A, pink) , and granisetron (2YME, green) are overlaid. The residues shown are those that abolished binding in Fig. 3 (Cluster-A, red; 2YME, cyan). Other residues are omitted for clarity. For a full list of the identified residues in Cluster-A and 2YME see Table 1. The docked-pose predicted in Cluster-A is the most consistent with the binding results presented here. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)