Fig. 1a. Anthropometric profile indicating percent difference from overall mean for 31 (23 adults and 8 children) white mentally retarded males with the fra(X) syndrome matched for age with 31 white mentally retarded males with no known cause of their retardation. WT = weight, HT = height, SH = sitting height, AS = arm span, SEL = shoulder-elboe length, EWL = elbow-wrist length, EFL= elbow-fingertip length, HL = hand length, MFL = middle finger length, PL = palm length, WB = wrist breadth, HB = hand breadth, KBL = knee-buttock length, FL = foot length, FB = foot breadth, AB = ankle breadth, LT = left triceps skinfold, LS = left subscapular skinfold, TV = testicular volume. 1 = p< 0.05 (two-tailed matched t-test), 2=p < 0.01 (two-tailed matched t-test), 3 = p < 0.001 (two-tailed matched t-test), 1b. Anthropometric profile indicating percent difference from overall mean for 23 adult (>18 years) white mentally retarded males with the fra(X) syndrome matched for age with 23 white mentally retarded males with no known cause of their retardation.