Figure 6. PKCδ bridges the cross-talk between NK1R and NOX2 in microglia induced by SP.
(A) Mixed-glia cultures were pre-treated with NK1R antagonists CP96,345 or L-703, 696 for 30 mins and followed by 10−8 M SP treatment. Superoxide production was measured using SOD-inhibitable reduction of tetrazolium salt WST-1. (B) The production of superoxide induced by SP was detected in mix-glia cells prepared from WT and NK1R−/− mice. (C) Mix-glia cultures were pre-treated with inhibitors of PKA, PKC, PKCα/β or PKCδ for 30 mins, followed by SP (10−8 M) treatment. Superoxide production was measured. Results are expressed as the percentage of controls (mean ± SEM). *p< 0.05, **p< 0.01. n = 4–5.