Figure 4. Sustained light suppression of locomotor activity and TDW, but not total time-spent-awake, in Rai1+/- mice under constant light (LL) conditions.
(A) Average profiles of mean hourly values of wakefulness (top), TDW (middle), and locomotor activity (bottom panels), under 48 hr LL in Rai1+/+ (grey lines and symbols) and Rai1+/- (black lines and symbols) mice (n = 4/genotype). In Rai1+/- mice LL resulted in a sustained and profound suppression of activity and TDW, leaving wakefulness largely unaffected (red bars; p<0.05; t-tests). Statistical analysis is shown only for the LL condition (for LD12:12 condition see Figure 2A) and not for baseline and recovery. (B) Wakefulness (left), TDW (middle), and locomotor activity (right panels) expressed as % difference from their 24 hr levels reached under the preceding LD12:12 (=0%). In wild-type mice no suppression of any of the three variables was observed while in Rai1+/- mice LL greatly reduced both time spent in TDW and locomotor activity but not total wakefulness (*p<0.005; t-test). Errors bars represent SEMs.