COP Rats maintained on regular or jet-lagged LD cycles for 7 days were sacrificed every 4 (A) or 6 (B) hours over 24 hour, beginning at 6 AM, on the 2nd day after returning to regular LD cycles. (A) RT-qPCR was employed for determination of Per2 mRNA levels. *, p<0.05; **, p<0.01 (one way ANOVA, n=3). (B) RT-qPCR array was used for the determination of 84 DDRR genes mRNA levels. (C) Female C3(1)/Tag transgenic mice were maintained on jet-lagged or regular LD cycles beginning at 4-week age until termination at the indicated times. The average of total tumor burden per animal was analyzed as a function of tumor number and size measured. Control, n=29; Jet-lag, n=35. Regression analysis is presented as a polynomial trend line. ** indicates statistical significance at P<0.01.