(A) Graphic representation of PMR values obtained from 16 loci in AD, AdjNL and NL samples. Samples are indicated on the left (the same number indicates that the sample is from the same patient) and loci are indicated on the top. PMR values have been categorized as colored boxes denoting DNA methylation above the median (PMR > 25, red), below the median (5 < PMR < 25, yellow) and no detectable DNA methylation (PMR < 5, green). The black bar at the bottom indicates loci showing statistically significant differences in DNA methylation levels between AD and AdjNL. (B) Two-dimensional hierarchical clustering of samples and the top 6 loci based on DNA methylation data. DNA methylation levels are indicated by the color shown on the right side. The ward hierarchical clustering method was used to categorize the AD, AdjNL and NL samples. Samples are indicated on the top line, with AD in pink, AdjNL samples in green, and NL samples in blue.