Figure 4. Changes in plasma donor pig-specific antibodies and Ig G deposition in porcine corneal grafts with anti-CD40 Ab-treated primates.
Few changes were observed in donor pig-specific Ig M (A) and Ig G (B) antibodies in anti-CD40 Ab-treated primates during the follow-up. Initial peak of anti-Ig G in early postoperative days was probably caused by intravenous immunoglobulin treatment. Representative figure of anti-CD40 Ab-treated primate showed little Ig G deposition in the stroma (C), while representative figure of the rejected control showed dense IgG deposition mainly in the stroma (D) (X100). Rejected graft showed relatively thin epithelial layers. Dash lines and white arrows indicate epidermal-dermal junction. (E) Compared with basal levels, the MFI level of donor pig-specific Ig M and Ig G antibodies was not significantly high at 6 months (p>0.05, Wilcoxon signed rank test; n=4). “Pre-op” indicates pre-operative baseline data, and “6 mo” indicates data at 6 months post-transplant.