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. 2017 Feb 20;83(7):1580–1594. doi: 10.1111/bcp.13229

Table 4.

Health economics module output: Effect of oseltamivir treatment intervention at 50% drug uptake on cost, life‐years (LY) and quality‐adjusted LY (QALY) by pandemic scenario. A cost per QALY gained of <0 indicates the new intervention is cost‐saving, a cost per QALY gained of >0 and <100 000 USD indicates the new intervention is cost effective, and a cost per QALY gained >100 000 USD indicates the new intervention is not cost effective

Payer perspective Societal perspective
Comparators (Treatment vs. baseline) Costs (A) (payer) Costs (B) (payer – Baseline) Costs (A) (societal) Costs (B) (societal ‐ Baseline) Death (A) Death (B) Δ Death (A–B) Δ LYs (A–B) Δ QALYs (A–B) Cost per LY gained Cost per QALY gained Cost per LY gained Cost per QALY gained
Low transmissibility and low severity
75 mg (A) vs. no treatment (B) 9 225 251 42 578 018 12 998 947 106 995 703 27 439 –412 399 430 Cost‐saving Cost‐saving Cost‐saving Cost‐saving
150 mg (A) vs. 75 (B) mg 14 835 713 9 225 251 17 109 649 12 998 947 16 27 –11 10 11 546 753 515 260 400 598 377 524
High transmissibility and high severity
75 mg (A) vs. no treatment (B) 94 961 869 144 271 547 171 053 550 272 957 742 974 1591 –617 598 629 Cost‐saving Cost‐saving Cost‐saving Cost‐saving
150 mg (A) vs. 75 mg(B) 81 019 150 94 961 869 139 379 855 171 053 550 747 974 –227 220 227 Cost‐saving Cost‐saving Cost‐saving Cost‐saving
Low transmissibility and high severity
75 mg (A) vs. no treatment (B) 11 450 971 79 213 439 15 596 974 149 869 617 53 874 –821 795 828 Cost‐saving Cost‐saving Cost‐saving Cost‐saving
150 mg (A) vs. 75 mg (B) 16 176 877 11 450 971 18 675 157 15 596 974 32 53 –21 20 21 231 280 223 797 150 642 145 768
High transmissibility and low severity
75 mg (A) vs. no treatment (B) 54 113 197 77 547 403 123 371 900 194 871 423 489 799 –310 300 330 Cost‐saving Cost‐saving Cost‐saving Cost‐saving
150 mg (A) vs. 75 mg (B) 49 689 085 54 113 197 102 809 041 123 371 900 375 489 –114 110 117 Cost‐saving Cost‐saving Cost‐saving Cost‐saving

All costs are expressed in 2013 USD.

A, the alternative intervention; B, the baseline intervention.