Figure 3. Propionate-detectable individuals have increased relative abundance of oral anaerobic bacteria in BAL.
A. Rarefaction curve on taxonomic 16S rRNA gene annotation demonstrates no difference in α-diversity between the taxa in the microbiomes of 10 propionate-detectable and 29 propionate-undetectable individuals. B. A principle component analysis based on UniFrac distance demonstrates a significant difference in the β-diversity between propionate-detectable and propionate-undetectable individuals (p value based on PERMANOVA). C. LEfSe demonstrates enrichment of anaerobes such as Prevotella or Veillonella in the lung microbiome of propionate-detectable individuals. The histograms on top of the panel represent relative abundance of each taxa while the histograms below represent the LDA value. The name of the enriched taxa is at the bottom of the panel. D. There is a significant inverse correlation between BAL CD4+ lymphocytes and log10 transformed relative abundance of Prevotella or Veillonella in BAL. Spearman correlation.