Figure 3. Cycling cells are enriched among oligodendroglioma stem/progenitor cells.
a, Classification of cells (n = 4,044) to non-cycling (black) and categories of cycling cells (colour-coded by approximated phase as per inset) based on the relative expression of gene-sets associated with G1/S (x axis) and G2/M (y axis). b, c, Only stem/progenitor cells are cycling. b, Hierarchy plot, as in Fig. 2d, for MGH54 cells (n = 1,174), with cycling cells colour-coded as in a. c, Hierarchy plot for the six tumours, with each cell colour-coded based on the fraction of neighbouring cells (within Euclidean distance of 0.3) that are cycling. d, Immunohistochemistry for astrocytic marker (GFAP) in MGH54, with expression in subset of cells (left). In situ RNA hybridization shows mutually exclusive expression of astrocytic (APOE, arrowhead) and oligodendrocytic (OMG, arrow) markers, and of stem/progenitor (CCND2, arrowhead) and APOE (arrow) markers, but co-expression of stemness (SOX4) and cell cycle (Ki-67) markers (arrowhead) (middle). Double immunohistochemistry for GFAP (red, arrows) and Ki-67 (brown, arrowheads), showing mutual exclusivity (right).