Figure 2. Gal-GalNAc Is Overexpressed in Human Colorectal Adenocarcinoma and Facilitates F. nucleatum Enrichment.
(A) Human colon adenocarcinomas were treated with O-glycanase for Gal-GalNAc removal as indicated and stained as above. Dashed lines indicate CRC-adjacent normal tissue border.
(B) PNA binding (sum of fluorescence intensity of analyzed field) of samples untreated or treated with O-glycanase. Each symbol represents the mean of three randomly selected fields (n = 5 cases). Error bars indicate mean ± SEM. *p = 0.0313, Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
(C) Binding of FITC-labeled Fn (single green rods or aggregates seen as green spots) to Hoechst-stained (blue) human colon adenocarcinoma sections. Representative image (left) and magnified inset images (left).
(D) Quantitation of fusobacterial binding (Fn/mm2) to TMA sections from human colon adenocarcinomas and normal tissues. Symbols represent individual cases. Error bars indicate mean ± SEM. ****p < 0.0001, one-tailed Mann-Whitney test.
(E) Quantitation of fusobacterial binding (Fn/mm2) in CRC samples untreated or treated with O-glycanase. Each symbol represents the mean of three randomly selected fields per human section (n = 5 cases). Mean ± SEM are shown; *p = 0.0313, Wilcoxon signed-rank test.