FIG. 4.
Biological characterization of helicase mutant TMV-V1087I. (A) Accumulation of WT-TMV and TMV-V1087I in inoculated Arabidopsis leaf tissue. CP, coat protein; dpi, days postinoculation. (B) Virus accumulations in systemic leaf tissues. (C) WT-TMV and TMV-V1087I replication in Arabidopsis leaf protoplasts. Results from QRT-PCR-amplified TMV genomic products were compared against similarly amplified known TMV RNA standards to determine virus concentrations. (D) Tissue print immunoblots showing the cell-to-cell spread of WT-TMV and TMV-V1087I infection foci at 4, 6, and 8 days postinoculation (dpi) in A. thaliana ecotype Shahdara. MOCK, mock inoculated. (E) Attenuation of disease symptoms caused by TMV helicase mutation V1087I in N. benthamiana or A. thaliana Shahdara plants. Plants were inoculated with water (mock), TMV-V1087I, or WT-TMV, and photos were taken 2 weeks postinoculation.