Excitonic Connectivity between PSI Complexes within and across Trimers Corresponding to the Hexagonal Pattern in Figure 3.
Shown in (A) are the couplings HMN,mn between pairs of pigments m,n of PSI monomers M,N, respectively, for M≠N; intramonomer couplings are not shown for clarity. The connections have cross sections proportional to the coupling |HMN,mn|; couplings below 1/cm are not shown. Due to the approximate symmetry displayed by the PSI grid (Supplemental Figure 7), only the couplings of immediate neighbors of one PSI monomer (red in [A], I in [B]) are considered; two of the neighbors are in the same trimer (green in [A], II in [B]; blue in [A], III in [B]) and two are corresponding symmetry-copies in neighboring trimers (purple in [A], II' in [B]; orange in [A], III' in [B]). Excitation sharing between monomers is shown in (C) in terms of the trapping probability of excitation at RCI as a function of initial site across the PSI monomers M = I, II, III, II', III' as indicated in (B). Chlorophyll number m corresponds to the order given in PDB:1JB0. As suggested by the connections in (A), excitation sharing within the monomers of the same trimer is more prominent than across trimers.