Figure 4. JP4-039 applied to human skin demonstrates potent antioxidant function and prevents skin damage from radiation induced oxidative stress.
60 Gy Irradiated human skin was treated topically with JP4-039 or not 30 min after irradiation and harvested 24h later for analysis. Depicted are H&E stained sections (bar = 40μm) (a), apoptosis as determined by TUNEL (b), percent positive TUNEL cells (d), and Caspase 3/7 levels (e). GSH levels were determined enzymatically (f). DNA damage was determined by 8-oxoguanine antibody (inset bar = 10μm) (c), and percentage of positive cells quantitated (g). Carbonyl protein levels were determined by ELISA (h). Data were analyzed as described in Figure 3.