Figure 5. Topical JP4-039 mitigates skin damage from radiation induced oxidative stress.
Mice were irradiated with 35 Gy and left untreated or treated topically with JP4-039 or formulation alone 24, 48 and 72h after irradiation. Representative clinical photographs from 21 days post-irradiation are shown (a). Changes in skin barrier function were determined with TEWL (b). Differences between extension of irradiated and non-irradiated legs is a functional measure of fibrosis (c). Collagen fibers identified with Masson’s Trichrome staining (bar = 80μm) (d). Representative H&E stained sections are provided in (e) with arrows delineating dermal and epidermal thickness (bar = 40μm). Dermal (f) (100X) and epidermal (g) thickness (200X) were measured. Infiltrating cells in 400X section were counted (h). Data were analyzed as described in Figure 2.