LH2, FKBP65, HSP47 and BiP interact. A-C. Protein levels of LH2 were altered in cells with mutations in FKBP10 and SERPINH1. BiP levels were decreased in HSP47 defective cells. D-E. Rescue experiment using FKBP10-/- cells transfected with FKBP10 tagged vector. LH2 levels were rescued by expression of wildtype FKBP65 protein. F. Co-immunoprecipitation of endogenous LH2, FKBP65, HSP47 and BiP in human osteoblasts (OB) with specific antibodies. LH2 immunoprecipitated HSP47 and BiP. G. Co-immunoprecipitation of tagged FKBP65 and LH2 in OB cells. LH2 and FKBP65 immunoprecipitated each other, including both LH2 isoforms, respectively.