ZP1609 does not affect mitochondrial calcium retention capacity. (A) Original traces showing Calcium Green 5 N fluorescence of control mitochondria (SSM and IFM) and mitochondria treated with 1 μM ZP1609 in the absence (left panel) or presence (right panel) of cyclosporin A (CsA). CaCl2 (5 μM) was added every third minute until a sudden increase in Calcium Green 5 N fluorescence occurred reflecting MPTP opening. (B, C) The concentration of CaCl2 at which MPTP opening takes place was calculated in SSM and IFM in the absence or presence of CsA in mitochondria incubated under control conditions (con) or with 1 μM ZP1609 (ZP, B) or 10 μM ZP1609 (C), respectively, * P < 0.05, significantly different as indicated.