Linezolid effect on secreted fibronectin (FN1) and apolipoprotein E (APOE) levels. A) Protein loading control. Image of a SDS-PAGE gel for adipocyte-differentiated human adipose tissue-derived stem cells (hASCs) secretome samples after Coomassie blue staining. B) FN1 levels. Immunoblot image from adipocyte-differentiated hASCs exposed to different linezolid concentrations. C) Graph representing fibronectin relative quantity. D) APOE levels. Immunoblot image from adipocyte-differentiated hASCs exposed to different linezolid concentrations. As we were particularly interested in the APOE protein, and it had been reported that the specificity of many antibodies to its target protein is very low [63], we verified its specificity by performing peptide mass fingerprinting of the band obtained from the Western blot analysis of the culture medium. APOE was one of the two detected proteins in this band (Table S4). E). Graph representing APOE quantity. M, U, D, DL30 and DL60 code for molecular weight marker, undifferentiated hASCs, 0, 30 and 60 μM linezolid-exposed adipocyte-differentiated hASCs, respectively. Dashed line (100%) represents the mean values for linezolid-untreated adipocyte differentiated hASCs. The bars indicate the protein percentage of the undifferentiated and linezolid-treated adipocyte-differentiated hASCs. Error bars represent the standard deviation. *, P ≤ 0.0433 (versus linezolid-untreated adipocyte differentiated hASCs). #, P = 001 (versus 30 μM linezolid-treated adipocyte-differentiated hASCs).