Linezolid effect on intracellular apolipoprotein E (APOE) levels. A) APOE levels. Immunoblot image from adipocyte-differentiated human adipose tissue-derived stem cells (hASCs) exposed to different linezolid concentrations. Actin levels are used as a loading control. B) Immunofluorescent staining of adipocyte-differentiated hASCs. Representative image of an APOE immunocytochemical analysis. C) APOE levels of adipocyte-differentiated hASCs treated with ribosomal antibiotics. Representative images of immunoblots for APOE and actin. D) Graph representing APOE quantity. DC2.5 codes for 2.5 μM cloramphenicol-exposed adipocyte-differentiated hASCs. M, U, D, DL30, DL60 and DL90 code for molecular weight marker, undifferentiated hASCs, 0, 30, 60 and 90 μM linezolid-exposed adipocyte-differentiated hASCs, respectively. Dashed line (100%) represents the mean values for adipocyte-differentiated hASCs. The bars indicate the APOE percentage of the chloramphenicol or linezolid-treated adipocyte-differentiated hASCs. Error bars represent the standard deviation. *, P = 0.0273 (versus untreated-adipocyte differentiated hASCs).