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. 2017 Jun 9;17:303. doi: 10.1186/s12906-017-1821-1

Table 2.

Descriptive statistics of physiological and patient-reported outcome variables at 3 assessment time points

Baseline After 2 Weeks After 6 Weeks
n Mean SD n Mean SD n Mean SD
Physiological outcome variables
 Lumbar spine stiffness
  Palpatory GS (N/mm) at L3 80 4.8 1.8 67 4.3 1.8 66 4.2 1.3
GSV (N/mm) 80 2.3 1.5 67 2.0 1.1 66 1.9 1.1
nGSV 80 0.5 0.2 67 0.5 0.2 66 0.5 0.2
  Hand-held GS (N/mm) at L3 69 7.7 2.1 57 7.5 1.8 59 7.6 2.2
GSV (N/mm) 71 2.3 1.3 58 2.1 1.1 59 2.1 1.3
nGSV 71 0.3 0.1 58 0.3 0.1 59 0.3 0.1
  Automated GS (N/mm) at Ant. 55 5.2 1.5 43 5.3 1.4 45 5.3 1.5
 Flexion-relaxation ratio (FRR)
  Flexion FRR 76 4.7 3.7 69 5.8 5.4 66 5.5 5.6
  Extension FRR 76 9.2 9.5 69 10.4 11.6 66 9.4 10.5
  Asymmetry in flexion FRR 76 1.5 0.5 69 1.4 0.5 66 1.4 0.4
  Asymmetry in extension FRR 76 1.4 0.7 68 1.4 0.4 65 1.4 0.5
Patient-reported outcome variables
 Average LBP during last 24 h VAS (mm) 82 46.1 18.1 70 34.2 21.7 68 25.6 25.4
 Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire 82 9.5 4.3 70 6.9 4.3 68 4.8 4.0

SD standard deviation, GS global stiffness, GSV global stiffness variation among five lumbar segments, nGSV normalized global stiffness variation (unitless), Ant. the most anterior point of the lumbar curvature in a prone posture, FRR flexion-relaxation ratio (unitless) pooled together for both EMG acquisition systems, VAS visual analog scale