Table 4.
List of prophages identified in P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853
Prophage ID | Score | Normalized | Coordinate range | Length | Win size | Close phage |
Prophage 1 | 15.3525 | 0.9031 | 683,173–696,044 | 12,871 | 20 | phi CTX |
Prophage 2 | 63.7992 | 1.3292 | 797,729–836,333 | 38,604 | 50 | B3 |
Prophage 3 | 44.6107 | 0.6759 | 1,337,276–1,379,950 | 42,674 | 100 | F10/lambda |
Prophage 4 | 53.0771 | 0.8042 | 2,508,898–2,560,402 | 51,504 | 100 | D3/ES18 |
Prophage 5 | 47.7643 | 0.7582 | 5,093,820–5,142,761 | 48,941 | 100 | phi CTX |
Prophage 6 | 1.6659 | 0.0490 | 5,504,457–5,531,885 | 27,428 | 50 | B3 |
Prophage 7 | 13.3825 | 0.8364 | 5,783,641–5,794,256 | 10,615 | 20 | Pf1 |
Score. It is a significance score from Prophinder, more reliable prediction with higher score
Normalised. Each significant score is normalized based on its number of CDS
Win size. Prophinder runs with different window sizes to screen the genome. Here is reported with which window size the prophage was detected