Fig. 2. Current and potential distribution of ZIKV.
(A) Spread of ZIKV across the globe to date. Countries are colored by the timing of the first indication of local ZIKV transmission by serologic evidence or confirmation of human cases. Solid shading indicates clusters of confirmed cases or seropositivity to ZIKV of >10% in some sub-population, while hatched colors indicate 5–10% seropositivity (serosurveys showing <5% seropositivity are not shown). Symbols indicate locations and timings of viral isolations from mosquitoes (triangles) and humans (circles). (B). Map of the global occurrence of the widely distributed ZIKV vectors Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Adapted from (100, 116). (C) Map of the occurrence of dengue, a closely related Aedes transmitted flavivirus. Adapted from (103). Shaded regions correspond to areas with predicted probability of vector or dengue occurrence of >30%. * - Somalia did not report the total percent ZIKV seropositive, but there were a small percentage of subjects seropositive to ZIKV and no other flavivirus, and a large percentage seropositive to two or more flaviviruses, so is included.