Figure 2.
Selective sensing of averages and variances arising from the gradient distributions by (a) symmetric-NOGSE (sNOGSE) and (c) asymmetric-NOGSE (aNOGSE) sequences. The corresponding modulation waveforms f(t) and f 0(t) are shown in panel (b) and (d) for sNOGSE and aNOGSE respectively. (e) Normalized NOGSE signals expected as a function of the delay x, where . By normalizing signals for x ≪ y and then changing x, y while keeping all other parameters – including N and TE– constant, s- and a-NOGSE sequences enable the characterization of the IGDT effects. sNOGSE’ s waveform is symmetric vs the central π refocusing pulse; all cross-terms with the internal gradients are thus zero, freeing the experiment from all internal gradients effects (panel c, black solid line). By contrast, the aNOGSE’ s waveform will be affected by both the 1st and 2nd order effects related to the internal gradient cross-terms. The legends describes the different weightings of these attenuation factors stemming from the background gradient distributions. The quantities and used to selectively determine the average and variance are shown with arrows, where the different signs denote the application of the external gradient G parallel and anti-parallel to the background gradient direction. Other assumptions include , and N = 8.