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. 2017 Jun 12;7:3263. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-03557-4

Table 1.

Comparison with other bioinformatics tools.

Bioinformatics tool Performance (%)
Train set Test set¹ Experimental data²
SignalP 4.07 99.61 99.27 51.64
LipoP8 99.83 99.71 61.39
Phobius46 98.78 98.72 72.08
PRED-TAT10 99.66 99.61 62.07
 Preprotein (#P1) 97.19 95.51 97.96
 MatureP (#M22) 91.46 91.24 85.10
 Disorder (#M7) 84.73 84.18 85.86

We measured the performance of four bioinformatics tools: SignalP 4.0 LipoP, Phobius and PRED-TAT on the training, testing and experimental datasets. We used the AUC as a performance metric35. AUC depicts relative trade-offs between true positive (benefits) and false positive (costs) and represents the performance of the average classifier (over different classifiers which assume different miss-classification cost ratios).

¹Randomly selected samples (20% of the total sample set; Table S1) which remained unused during the training of the classifiers.

²Experimental data manually collected from the literature (Table S4).