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. 2017 Jun 12;7:62. doi: 10.1186/s13613-017-0292-3

Table 2.

Characteristics of in-hospital survivors and deceased

Characteristics In-hospital survivors (n = 370) In-hospital deceased (n = 261) p
 Age (years) 58.5 [47–67.75] 63 [52–71] 0.01
 Male gender 240 (64.9%) 166 (63.6%) 0.81
Comorbid illnesses
 Performance status 3–4 61 (16.5%) 77 (29.5%) 0.0001
 Charlson comorbidity index 4 [2–5] 4 [3–6] 0.008
Underlying malignancy 0.90
 Lymphoid disease 179 (48.4%) 131 (50.2%)
 Myeloid disease 121 (32.7%) 83 (31.8%)
Time between diagnosis and ICU admission (days) 91 [14; 444] 90 [11; 396] 0.58
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation 0.04
 Autologous 52 (14.1%) 24 (9.2%)
 Allogeneic 55 (14.9%) 55 (21.1%)
Malignancy status 0.019
 Newly diagnosed 106 (28.7%) 84 (32.2%)
 Partial/complete remission 116 (31.4%) 53 (21.4%)
Time between hospital and ICU admissions (days) 4 [0–16] 9 [1–25] <0.0001
ICU admission characteristics
 SOFA score 6 [4–8] 8 [5–11.75] <0.0001
 Neutropenia 125 (33.8%) 104 (39.9%) 0.14
 Lactate (mmol/L) 1.9 (1.125–3.575) 2.4 [1.6–5.6] 0.0001
Hemoglobin level (g/dL)
 Day 1 9.2 [8–10.7] 8.9 [7.8–10.2] 0.02
 Day 2 9.2 [8.3–10.2] 9.1 [8.3–10] 0.33
 Day 3 9 [8.1–10] 8.9 [8.2–9.975] 0.88
 Day 7 8.8 [8.1–9.8] 8.8 [8.3–9.95] 0.53
RBC transfusion
 Day 1 and/or 2 103 (27.8%) 107 (41%) 0.0008
 Day 3 42 (12.4%) 39 (17.3%) 0.13
 Day 7 16 (10.6%) 21 (16.7%) 0.19
Source of infection
 Pneumonia 190 (51.4%) 68 (64.3%) 0.002
 Abdominal 69 (18.7%) 34 (13.0%) 0.076
 Urinary tract 21 (5.7%) 15 (5.8%) 1.00
 Catheter-related 21 (5.7%) 7 (2.7%) 0.11
 Gram-negative bacteria 101 (27.3%) 74 (28.4%) 0.84
 Gram-positive bacteria 56 (15.1%) 25 (9.6%) 0.053
 Aspergillus 27 (7.3%) 42 (16.1%) 0.0008
 Pneumocystis 17 (4.6%) 5 (1.9%) 0.11
Life-supporting interventions
 Vasopressive drugs 184 (49.7%) 206 (78.9%) <0.0001
 Invasive ventilation 124 (33.5%) 197 (75.5) <0.0001
 Renal replacement therapy 56 (15.4%) 98 (38.7%) <0.0001

ICU intensive care unit, RBC red blood cell, SOFA sequential organ failure assessment