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. 2017 Jun 13;8:925. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00925

Table 3.

SIMPER table of significant PERMANOVA pairwise comparisons of thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and molecular mixing model (MMM).

Pairwise Comparison TGA MMM
Avg. Sq. Dist. OM TI1 TI2 TI3 TI4 Avg. Sq. Dist. carbohydrates Lignin Protein
Tissue Leaf - Rhizome 674 48.8–51.0 (20.2) 8.58–15.8 (25.8) 24.1–31.0 (19.2) 46.8–36.4 (28.7) 474 51.8–64.4 (45.7) 21.3–23.4 (12.2) 23.3–11.3 (39.6)
Leaf - Root 930 48.8–35.3 (45.5) 24.1–31.4 (13.5) 46.8–36.4 (23.1) 20.5–24.3 (10.7) 443 51.8–56.0 (17.7) 21.3–30.4 (33.7) 23.3–10.8 (45.9)
Rhizome - Root 1079 51.0–35.5 (46.4) 15.8–7.55 (15.8) 31.0–31.4 (11.9) 36.4–36.4 (12.6) 16.8–24.3 (13.3)
Leaf - NP 496 48.8–46.8 (33.4) 8.58–10.3 (21.1) 24.1–30.6 (20.3) 46.8–41.0 (19.6) 657 51.8–63.1 (37.3) 21.3–28.0 (19.7) 23.3–7.93 (41.6)
Rhizome - NP 614 51.0–46.8 (31.2) 15.8–10.3 (27.4) 31.0–30.6 (18.6) 36.4–41.0 (18.7)
Root - NP 866 35.3–46.8 (48.0) 7.55–10.3 (10.4) 31.4–30.6 (12.2) 36.4–41.0 (15.7) 24.3–18.1 (13.8)
Latitudinal Region
Temperate-Tropical 384 55.7–59.9 (37.9) 25.4–24.8 (27.44) 16.7–13.0 (32.45)
Leaf 371 52.9–45.4 (38.7) 11.9–5.94 (29.7) 22.4–25.5 (8.47) 46.7–46.8 (15.3)
Rhizome 649 54.6–48.5 (23.9) 20.6–12.4 (30.4) 28.8–32.5 (22.9) 35.4–37.2 (18.4)
Root 912 41.4–31.1 (45.6) 31.5–31.3 (11.6) 41.1–33.0 (19.6) 19.6–27.7 (17.9)
NP 643 51.9–40.7 (42.5) 14.2–5.61 (23.3) 26.9–35.0 (19.4) 41.8–40.0 (11.7)
Taxa: Family
Hydrocharitaceae - Zosteraceae NP (Temp.) 417 45.0–54.4 (27.7) 10.6–15.7 (21.1) 34.5–26.0 (20.9) 33.3–42.0 (23.0)
Posidoniaceae - Zosteraceae NP (Temp.) 493 43.6–54.4 (31.3) 4.36–15.7 (38.9) 30.1–26.0 (12.5) 45.7–42.0 (14.4)
Cymodoceaceae - Posidoniaceae (Temp.) 454 58.3–55.3 (12.2) 17.4–30.8 (48.3) 23.0–12.4 (38.7)
Hydrocharitaceae - Cymodoceaceae (Trop.) 467 61.8–57.4 (40.1) 21.1–29.5 (33.6) 15.4–10.2 (24.3)
Taxa: Genus
Enhalus-Thalassia NP 746 44.6–32.5 (23.4) 25.9–40.9 (34.2) 47.3–31.2 (39.0)
Zostera: Tissue
Leaf - Rhizome 758 50.7–52.4 (14.7) 11.0–18.3 (28.5) 24.3–32.2 (22.0) 45.5–34.4 (31.0)
Leaf - Root 660 50.7–38.2 (47.9) 11.0–6.01 (15.8) 24.3–34.1 (18.0) 45.5–39.6 (15.1)
Rhizome - Root 939 52.4–38.2 (42.1) 18.3–6.01 (26.1) 32.2–34.1 (11.5) 34.4–39.6 (15.6)
Root - NP 633 38.2–53.4 (59.4) 6.01–13.7 (15.7) 34.1–27.2 (9.87) 39.6–42.6 (10.3)
Zostera: Bioregion Temp. Atl. - Trop. Atl. 827 51.8–36.2 (41.7) 14.3–9.14 (17.0) 27.6–37.3 (18.5) 41.2–33.1 (18.8)
Temp. Atl.- Indo-Pacific 668 51.8–40.0 (32.4) 14.3–8.78 (21.3) 27.6–37.3 (22.7) 41.2–34.4 (20.3)
Trop. Atl. - Temp. Pacific 489 36.2–44.6 (35.7) 9.14–10.4 (12.0) 37.3–29.7 (21.8) 33.1–41.6 (26.0)
Temp. Pacific - Indo-Pacific 383 44.6–40.0 (26.2) 10.4–8.78 (14.9) 29.7–37.3 (27.6) 41.6–34.4 (27.9)

Values represent average abundance of each variable followed by the percent contribution in parentheses. NP, Non-photosynthetic above-ground tissue; Temp, temperate; Trop, tropical; Atl, Atlantic. Thermal intervals (TI) represent distinct organic matter components from TGA normalized to total organic matter (TI1: labile, carbohydrates, hemicellulose, 180–220°C; TI2: labile, carbohydrates, hemicellulose, 220–300°C; TI3: refractory, cellulose, 300–400°C; TI4: refractory, lignin and residues, 400–600°C).