Structural comparison of the DPF2 and DPF3b tandem PHD finger domains. (A) A ribbon representation of DPF2PHD (Left, colored as in Fig. 1A), DPF3bPHD•H3K14Ac (Center, colored in gray, PDB ID code 2KWJ) (16), and a superposition of the two, based on alignment of PHD2s (Right). The hinge between PHD1 and PHD2 is indicated by an arrow. (B) Surface representations of the DPF3bPHD•H3K14Ac (Upper, PDB ID code 2KWJ) and the DPF3bPHD•H4K16Ac (Lower, PDB ID code 2KWN) solution NMR structures (16). Boxes show a cartoon representation of the indicated binding sites superposed with our DPF2PHD crystal structure. Residues constituting the bipartite histone-recognition motif are shown in stick representation.