FIG. 2.
Ussing chamber measurements of intestinal epithelial cell function in A. suum- and T. gondii-infected pigs at different times after inoculation. Segments of mucosae from either uninfected or parasite-infected jejunum (A. suum-infected pigs at 14 and 21 DAI) (A and B) or ileum (T. gondii-infected pigs at 7 and 14 DAI) (C and D) were stripped of muscle and mounted in Ussing chambers. Concentration-dependent changes in Isc with histamine added to the serosal side (B and D) or, in separate tissues, with cumulative addition of glucose to the mucosal side (A and C) were determined. ASCARIS 14, A. suum-infected pigs at 14 DAI; ASCARIS 21, A. suum-infected pigs at 21 DAI; TOXO 7, T. gondii-infected pigs at 7 DAI; TOXO 14, T. gondii-infected pigs at 14 DAI; CONTROL ILEU, control ileum.