CFAP69 slows down OSN response kinetics: single-cell analysis. A, Representative suction current traces of control and Cfap69 cKO OSNs to a 1 s pulse of 100 μm each of cineole and acetophenone. B, Imax, the peak amplitude of the suction current. C, Time-to-peak, the time from stimulation onset to the peak amplitude of the current. D, Response delay, the time between stimulation onset and the first AP. E, Rise time, measured as the time-to-peak minus the response delay. F, Rise rate, measured as Imax divided by the rise time. G, I1s, the current at the end of 1 s stimulation. H, I1s/Imax. I, T20, the time for the response to fall to 20% of I1s. In B–I, OSN numbers are shown in the parentheses. Error bars indicate SEM, Student's t test.