Figure 2. Infarct - Biochemical Data.
A. Infarction increased myocardial [NADPH] in G6PDX mice. B. Myocardial superoxide production was unaffected by infarction or G6PD deficiency. C. Infarction increased myocardial lipid peroxidation products in G6PDX mice. D-F. Infarction decreased myocardial aconitase activity, citrate synthase activity, and MCAD activity to the same extent in G6PDX and WT mice. G-H. Myocardial ANP and MHCβ/MHCα mRNA were also increased by infarction and unaffected by G6PD deficiency. Data were obtained using myocardium from mice at 12 weeks after LAD ligation or sham surgery. *P <0.05 vs. Sham; #P <0.05 vs. WT; Sham n=9-10/group, WT infarct n=19, G6PDX infarct n=27-28.