Figure 6.
HhCDT-deficiency decreased the potential of H. hepaticus to induce activation of Stat3 at 20 WPI. (A) The percentage of the phospho-Stat3 foci+ cells in the cecal tissues from mice dosed with Hh, or the HhCDT mutant or vehicle alone at both 10 and 20 WPI. Hh-infected mice contained significantly more phospho-Stat3 foci+ cells in the cecum compared with the HhCDT mutant-infected mice at 20 WPI, but at 10 WPI. (B) The representative phospho-Stat3 staining images of the ICC/cecal tissue. (C) Linear regression analysis showing that there is the positive correlation between the numbers of the phospho-Stat3 foci+ cells and the scores of dysplasia. * represents P values when compared to the sham controls: ***<0.001, ****<0.0001.