Figure 6.
Dose-Dependent versus Microenvironmental Gene Expression Changes Analyzed Using RT2 Human Neurogenesis Profiler Array Real-Time PCR Analysis
(A) Paradigm 1: gene expression of human cells transplanted into the early chronic SCI microenvironment at low- versus very-high-dose and re-isolated at 2 WPT, factoring for the relative contribution of dose.
(B) Paradigm 2: gene expression of very-high-dose human cells injected into in a 3D fibrin matrix and differentiated for 2 weeks in vitro versus transplanted in vivo and re-isolated at 2 WPT, factoring for the relative contribution of microenvironment. Differential expression cutoff at ≥1.5 fold-change and p ≤ 0.1. Upregulated (red) and downregulated (green) genes are shown as a volcano plot and table with corresponding fold changes and p values.
(C) Venn diagram of differentially expressed dose-regulated (3/84), microenvironment-regulated (36/84), and co-regulated (2/84) genes. n = 3 individual experiments/paradigm.