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. 2017 Jun 9;8(6):1701–1713. doi: 10.1016/j.stemcr.2017.05.013

Figure 6.

Figure 6

The Rat Model of Myelomeningocele with Application of Artificial Skin

(A) Gross pathology images of the MMC lesion site at birth in a normal rat (upper left panel) and MMC rat (upper right and lower panels). MMC rat shows defects in skin (upper right) and spine (lower left), and exposure of spinal cord (lower right). Scale bars, 1 cm.

(B) Cross-sectional images of spinal cord at lumbar levels of a normal rat and MMC rat. Scale bars, 2 mm.

(C) Gross view of the intrauterine transplantation of artificial skin. Representative images of major steps of the MMC repair process in the fetal rat model. An MMC defect site was identified through the uterus (upper left panel). A small incision of the uterus was made just above the defect site, following which artificial skin was transplanted (upper right panel). Finally, the uterine wall was closed over the defect (lower panels).

(D) Gross views of neonatal rat with myelomeningocele (MMC) at birth (E22). Representative photograph in incomplete closure (upper panel) and complete closure (lower panel) after artificial skin application at day 20. Scale bars, 2 mm (upper panel) and 1 cm (lower panel).

(E) Birth weight (BW) and craniocaudal length (CRL) of normal neonatal and neonatal MMC rats with or without fetal therapy. MMC rats in the fetal therapy group (n = 3) were born with smaller BW and CRL compared with normal rats (n = 14) or nontreated MMC rats (n = 6). ∗∗p < 0.01.

(F) Comparison of MMC defect size between neonatal MMC rats with fetal treatment (n = 3) and rats without therapy (n = 6). There were no significant differences in the MMC size by fetal therapy when adjusted for the CRL. TL, transverse length; VL, vertical length. p < 0.05; NS, not significant.

(G) Expression profile of epidermal markers and short-term in vivo effect on regeneration of rat skin defect in artificial skin. Transverse section through the myelomeningocele defect 2 days after transplantation of artificial skin with iPSC-KC epidermis. The expressions of epidermal markers, i.e., KRT14, p63, pan-cytokeratin (Pan-CK), and stem121, were analyzed in artificial skin with HDK1-K4DT, TTTS-iPSC-KCs, or T21-iPSC-KCs. Scale bars, 100 μm.