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. 2017 Jun 9;8(6):1727–1742. doi: 10.1016/j.stemcr.2017.05.017

Figure 6.

Figure 6

LPS Induces Inflammatory Morphology and Clustering in Co-culture Microglia

(A–D) Microglial morphology displayed as inverted LUT black and white images of RFP-iPSC microglia in co-culture. (A) Images (co-culture day 12) every 5 min for 10 hr. Representative images of LPS-stimulated co-pMG are shown at 0, 5, and 10 hr. (B) co-pMG clustering on LPS stimulation shown by cell tracking. (C–E) Quantitative analysis (two videos each of three cultures, i.e., six replicates per condition). Images were taken on co-culture on day 14 every 5 min for 20 hr. (C) Representative images of 0-hr and 20-hr time points; Bottom panel: area in the black square magnified to show microglial morphology: unstimulated co-pMG show no obvious changes in morphology during imaging period, but on LPS stimulation some microglia cluster, adopting more ameboid morphology with shorter processes and higher area-to-perimeter ratio, representative of a pro-inflammatory phenotype (black arrows). (D) Distance between microglia clustering upon stimulation is evidenced by a leftward shift of the plot after 10 hr and 20 hr. (E) Micrographs were scored blind by three independent assessors for number of microglia with activated morphology. Statistical analysis by Dunnett's multiple comparison test. n.s., not significant; p < 0.05.

Scale bars, 200 μm. See also Movie S5.