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. 2017 May 9;317(18):1864–1919. doi: 10.1001/jama.2017.4046

Table 1. Countries and Populations.

Total No. of Countries Recognized by UN Total Population in All UN-Recognized Countries, in Millions Total No. of Countries Receiving Survey Total Population in Countries Receiving Survey, in Millions No. (%) of Countries Completing Surveya Total Population in Countries Completing Survey, in Millions % of Population in Countries Receiving Surveyb % of Population in all UN-Recognized Countriesc
Overall 200 7248 130 6778 125 (96) 6754 99.6 93
ISN regions
Africa 54 1156 37 969 35 (95) 964 99 83
Middle East 14 225 13 223 13 (100) 223 100 99
Latin America 25 608 18 571 17 (94) 560 98 92
North and East Asia 7 1602 6 1577 6 (100) 1577 100 98
South Asia 8 1707 5 1673 5 (100) 1673 100 98
OSEA 25 671 13 661 13 (100) 661 100 99
East and Central Europe 20 209 19 207 17 (89) 199 96 95
NIS and Russia 11 281 6 223 6 (100) 223 100 79
Western Europe 22 429 11 318 11 (100) 318 100 74
North America 14 362 2 356 2 (100) 356 100 398
World Bank income groups
Low 31 631 18 405 18 (100) 405 100 64
Lower middle 52 2862 35 2789 34 (97) 2786 99.9 97
Upper middle 53 2370 35 2313 32 (91) 2293 99 97
High 63 1386 41 1271 40 (98) 1270 99.9 92
Not classified 1 0.02 1 0.02 1 (100) 0.02 100 100

Abbreviations: ISN, International Society of Nephrology; NIS, newly independent states; OSEA, Oceania and South East Asia; UN, United Nations.


The percentage was calculated as total No. of countries that completed the survey/total No. of countries that received the survey.


The proportion was calculated as total population for countries that completed the survey/total population for countries that received the survey.


The proportion was calculated as total population for countries that completed the survey/total population in all UN-recognized countries.