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. 2017 Jun;139(6):e20163353. doi: 10.1542/peds.2016-3353


Logistic Regression Predicting Susceptibility to Any Tobacco Product Among Never-Using Adolescents

Variable Population Susceptible
n % 95% CI % 95% CI aOR 95% CI P
Age, y
 12–13 4312 39.5 38.6–40.5 34.9 33.5–36.4 Ref
 14–15 3689 34.1 33.2–35.0 47.7 45.9–49.5 1.38 1.25–1.53 <.001
 16–17 2750 26.4 25.6–27.2 52.1 50.1–54.1 1.44 1.28–1.61 <.001
 Male 5422 50.4 49.5–51.4 43.5 42.1–44.9 1.12 1.02–1.24 .02
 Female 5329 49.6 48.6–50.5 44.1 42.7–45.7 Ref
 NH white 5107 53.6 52.6–54.5 41.5 39.9–43.2 Ref
 NH African American 1538 14.4 13.8–15.1 48.3 45.4–51.2 1.46 1.25–1.70 <.001
 Hispanic 3132 22.4 21.6–23.2 46.7 44.9–48.5 1.63 1.47–1.81 <.001
 Asian 318 5.2 4.8–5.6 36.8 31.5–42.4 1.14 0.87–1.49 .34
 Other 656 4.5 4.1–4.9 50.1 45.8–54.5 1.32 1.07–1.63 .009
School performance
 Mostly A’s 3003 30.0 29.0–31.0 37.2 35.5–39.0 0.72 0.63–0.82 <.001
 A’s and B’s 3796 34.8 33.9–35.7 44.2 42.4–46.3 0.89 0.78–1.01 .08
 Other 3952 35.2 34.1–36.3 49.0 47.3–50.7 Ref
Parental educationa
 Less than HS graduate 2184 17.2 16.1–18.5 43.5 41.5–45.6 Ref
 HS graduate 2408 21.3 20.2–22.5 42.2 40.2–44.2 0.92 0.81–1.05 .21
 Some college 2876 26.9 25.6–28.3 44.4 42.4–46.5 1.00 0.89–1.13 .97
 College graduate 3205 33.8 31.6–36.0 44.5 42.5–46.4 1.25 1.09–1.43 .001
 No data 78 0.8 0.06–1.0 45.2 34.0–56.9 1.08 0.67–1.74 .77
Tobacco user in HH
 No 7427 70.3 68.6–72.0 41.0 39.6–42.4
 Yes 3324 29.7 28.0–31.4 50.5 48.6–52.5 1.19 1.06–1.34 .003
Exposure to smoking
 Some exposure 3834 35.0 33.8–36.3 53.5 51.8–55.1 1.39 1.26–1.54 <.001
 No exposure 6917 65.0 63.7–66.2 38.6 37.3–39.9 Ref
Ad receptivity
 None 5762 54.1 53.0–55.3 34.3 32.9–35.6 Ref
 Low 3741 34.1 33.0–35.3 50.4 48.5–52.2 1.38 1.24–1.53 <.001
 Moderate 1070 10.1 9.5–10.7 65.4 62.2–68.4 2.39 2.02–2.84 <.001
 High 178 1.7 1.4–2.0 87.7 81.2–92.2 6.73 3.90–11.61 <.001
Internalizing problems
 None 3627 33.5 32.4–34.5 28.9 27.3–30.5 Ref
 Low–moderate 3606 33.8 32.7–34.9 43.4 41.8–45.1 1.34 1.19–1.51 <.001
 High 3518 32.8 31.6–34.0 59.4 57.3–61.5 1.62 1.42–1.84 <.001
Externalizing problems
 None 3767 35.0 33.8–36.1 26.2 24.6–27.8 Ref
 Low–moderate 4198 38.9 37.9–39.9 46.9 45.2–48.6 1.55 1.39–1.73 <.001
 High 2786 26.1 25.1–27.1 62.8 60.6–65.0 2.07 1.81–2.37 <.001
Sensation seeking
 None 6536 61.0 60.0–62.0 34.3 33.1–35.5 Ref
 Low–moderate 3678 34.0 33.1–34.9 56.3 54.4–58.1 1.58 1.43–1.76 <.001
 High 537 5.0 4.6–5.4 75.2 70.5–79.3 2.52 1.92–3.29 <.001
Substance use problems
 None 10 251 95.5 95.1–95.9 42.3 41.3–43.4 Ref
 Low–moderate 426 3.9 3.5–4.3 74.5 69.7–78.8 0.99 0.74–1.32 .95
 High 74 0.6 0.5–0.8 82.8 72.7–89.8 1.41 0.74–2.69 .30
Used other substances
 No 7269 66.8 65.5–68.1 32.0 30.9–33.1 Ref
 Yes 3482 33.2 31.9–34.5 67.6 66.0–69.2 2.99 2.69–3.33 <.001

Percentages, confidence limits, odds ratios, and P values are all weighted estimates. Other categories presented in the table may include respondents who did not provide data for the question. HH, household; HS, high school; NH, non-Hispanic; Ref, reference.


There were 78 records that did not include information on parental educational level.

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure