TLR2+ cells in the oral mucosa include MC/mφ. A representative serial section of tissue from a person with CP was stained with monoclonal anti-CD68-Texas Red (CD68-TxR) followed by monoclonal anti-TLR2-FITC (TLR2-FITC) antibodies, as indicated in Materials and Methods. Conjugated mouse immunoglobulins of the same isotypes were used as controls (not shown). (A to C) Shown are image-enhanced double-fluorescence images, sharpened digitally with two-dimensional-deconvolution software. Evident are CD68+ MC/mφ (red) (A), TLR2+ cells (green) (B), and TLR2+ MC/mφ (merge, yellow arrows) (C). (D) A digital merge of a differential interference contrast image with panel C. (E) Final digital enlargement with a magnification of approximately ×1,500.