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. 2017 Jun 14;7:3449. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-03626-8

Table 3.

Zero-Order Correlations Between Cognitive (DAS) Metacognitive Beliefs (MCQ) for Pre- and Post-Assessment.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
1. DAS, t0 0.273* 0.291** 0.542** 0.503** 0.327** 0.799** 0.257* 0.298** 0.426** 0.420** 0.314** 0.360** 0.188
2. MCQ (PB), t0 0.271* 0.322** 0.200 0.056 0.133 0.602** 0.157 0.218 −0.043 −0.116 0.185 0.157
3. MCQ (NB), t0 0.498** 0.311** 0.249* 0.145 0.298** 0.532** 0.349** 0.239* 0.066 0.061 0.085
4. MCQ (NFC), t0 0.391** 0.252* 0.413** 0.451** 0.407** 0.662** 0.354** 0.202 0.231 0.162
5. BDI, t0 0.651** 0.543** 0.250* 0.258* 0.416** 0.65** 0.435** 0.574** 0.478**
6. HDRS, t0 0.471** 0.167 0.306** 0.437** 0.611** 0.633** 0.515** 0.507**
7. DAS, t1 0.282* 0.441** 0.550** 0.679** 0.570** 0.601** 0.444**
8. MCQ (PB), t1 0.337** 0.396** 0.245* 0.096 0.417** 0.271*
9. MCQ (NB), t1 0.589** 0.567** 0.431** 0.363** 0.285*
10. MCQ (NFC), t1 0.653** 0.502** 0.538** 0.445**
11. BDI, t1 0.737** 0.761** 0.632**
12. HDRS, t1 0.649** 0.661**
13. BDI, t2 0.775**
14. HDRS, t2

Note DAS = Dysfunctional Attitude Scale; MCQ (NB) = Metacognition Questionnaire, Negative Beliefs; MCQ (NFC) = Metacognition Questionnaire, Need for Control; MCQ (PB) = Metacognition Questionnaire, Positive Beliefs, * = p < 0.05, ** = p < 0.01 (two-tailed).