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. 2017 Jun 14;13:175. doi: 10.1186/s12917-017-1092-6

Table 3.

Spearman’s correlation between age, body weight and radiographic measurements (n = 27)

Age Body weight SL NW ZW HL RL UL FL TL
Age 1.000 .453* .676** .474* .805** .457* .484* .570** .503** .582**
Body weight .453* 1.000 .711** .673** .731** .576** .727** .731** .669** .734**
SL .676** .711** 1.000 .596** .852** .644** .708** .763** .742** .820**
NW .474* .673** .596** 1.000 .607** .618** .697** .699** .738** .708**
ZW .805** .731** .852** .607** 1.000 .613** .674** .733** .650** .741**
HL .457* .576** .644** .618** .613** 1.000 .923** .877** .904** .820**
RL .484* .727** .708** .697** .674** .923** 1.000 .959** .905** .930**
UL .570** .731** .763** .699** .733** .877** .959** 1.000 .891** .942**
FL .503** .669** .742** .738** .650** .904** .905** .891** 1.000 .911**
TL .582** .734** .820** .708** .741** .820** .930** .942** .911** 1.000

**p < 0.01; *p < 0.05